CRAAM is a research center operated under agreement between the Presbyterian Mackenzie Institute and MCT/INPE – National Space Research Institute with the following main objectives:
- Outstanding technical-scientific researches in Radio Sciences, Solar Physics, Solar Flares, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Space Weather, Earth Atmosphere, Space Geodesy, Stellar Activity and Exoplanets, Instrumentation, Terahertz Technology.
- Operation of instrumental facilities, with emphasis for the Solar Submillimeter Telescope (SST), Millimeter Solar Radio Telescopes (POEMAS), VLF tracking stations (Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Mexico), Terahertz Space Experiment SOLAR-T (with GRIPS, U.C. Berkeley), 30 THz and Visible Solar telescopes (El Leoncito and São Paulo), Northern Space Radio Observatory (Eusébio, CE), Radio Observatory of Itapetinga (Atibiai, SP), Cosmic particles detectors, Sensors for the detection of Solar and Atmospheric neutrons, X- and Gamma-rays spectrometers, Experiments in Antartica, Atmospheric Earth Electric Field
- Subsidize the Post-Graduate Program in Geo-Space Sciences and Applications, CAGE of UPM/EE. Support for the formation, teaching and training of students at Scientific Initiation, Master, Doctorate and post-doctorate levels.