The Mechanical Engineering course at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University has its history linked to the history of engineering in Brazil. In 1916 and 1917, from the development of the chemical industry in Brazil and the emergence of hydroelectric power plants were open the courses of Industrial Chemistry and Mechanical-Electrical Engineers, respectively. Since then, the students that take the B.S. in this field have acceptance in several areas of performance in national and international industry.
Mechanical Engineering is one of the most comprehensive areas of Engineering. The Mechanical Engineer graduated at Mackenzie can work in manufacturing processes, power conversion, materials, machine design, equipment and installations, environmental control, commercial and industrial administration.
Mechatronics Engineering provides the student with the ability to research, draw conclusions and propose solutions to mechatronic engineering problems, such as automation and control, robotic systems, computing interaction, applying scientific principles and technological knowledge, using his ability to synthesize information and develop models about this specific area.
Job market
The professional works in the design of new mechanical products, automation of systems, development of production lines and industrial assemblies, besides planning, control and programming of the production of machines, equipment and vehicles, design of mechanical devices and design of systems for obtaining energy by means of thermal and hydraulic machines.