Founded by North-American missionaries, Mackenzie has worried, from its very origins, with the teaching of foreign languages, incorporating the English language first to its school curriculum and then to the university levels. In such sense, in the beginning of the 1970’s we started thinking of a more systematic way of teaching English and created a specialized Language Center that besides researching and proposing new methodologies would offer groups of language studies according to the levels of knowledge. This was the beginning of the so called Foreign Language Center at Mackenzie.
After some years, other languages came to be offered: German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese for Foreigners. Besides the in-class courses we also provide access to the university labs, as well as its libraries and all the facilities of a university campus.
Aware of the globalization process and also considering the challenge in finding professional occupations, we try to provide safe learning environment to our students, trying to help them overcome professional obstacles that are always present in everyone’s experiences.
In 2015, the name of the school was changed to Mackenzie Language Center and, since then, we have been working at Maria Antonia Street, quite next to the university campus, with larger rooms and the same worries on providing the best quality formation in foreign languages.

Profa. Dra. Raquel Lima Botelho Casillo Vieira