The Coordination of Development and Innovation (CDI) is an advisory body of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPG) of Mackenzie Presbyterian University with the following strategic positioning:
Mission: To structure, strengthen and manage the institutional actions associated with innovation and entrepreneurship, promoting academic, economic and social impact with sustainability.
Vision: To make the Mackenzie Presbyterian University a reference in innovation and entrepreneurship in a non-public academic environment.
Main Activities
- To promote the scientific and technological activities focused on innovation and entrepreneurship at UPM.
- To contribute to the excellence and expansion of UPM's postgraduate programs and research laboratories through partnerships with the productive sector.
- To promote and continue the processes of training in entrepreneurship and innovation.
- To develop and promote an institutional ecosystem for the creation and maturation of innovative ventures.
- To strengthen the operational, scientific, technological and administrative capacity of UPM's innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
- To define the mechanisms and institutional processes for the capture and management of resources of strategic partnerships for innovation.
- To establish partnerships with the productive sector both for the discovery of real problems to be solved and for the financing of applied and innovative research.
- To spread the culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- To consolidate the Intellectual Property protection and commercialization policies, considering external partnerships of the industrial, commercial, service, cultural and public sectors.
An initial outline of the innovation process at the university can be broken down into the following steps: 1. Building culture and competence for innovation and entrepreneurship (in the internal community of lecturers and students); 2. Articulating with companies to promote Strategic Partnerships for Innovation; 3. Generating, protecting and commercializing Intellectual Property; and 4. Creating Innovative

Prof. Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro
- (11) 2114-8051
Rua da Consolação, 930 - Ed. João Calvino, sala 603
CDI is divided into three areas with complementary roles within the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, proposing regulatory mechanisms, creating and strengthening the ecosystem for the generation of innovative enterprises, and establishing an interface with the productive sector for innovation: Technological Transfer Office (TTO); Industry Liaison Office (ILO); and Business Incubators.
Entities and Associations
The main entities and associations to which CDI is associated are:
FORTEC: National Forum of Managers of Innovation and Technology Transfer.
ANPROTEC: National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises.
Rede Inova-SP: São Paulo Network of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer.
Paulista Network of Environments of Innovation.
Technology Transfer Office
UPM's Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is the subordinate organ of the CDI/PRPG responsible for regulating the institutional policies for innovation, technology transfer and the management of partnerships with the Productive Sector.
Main Activities
- Define and maintain the UPM's intellectual property and technology transfer policies.
- Receive, analyze and manage the university Intellectual Property (IP).
- Assist the researchers in the technology transfer agreements.
- Negotiate and manage the technology transfer agreements.
- Define the mechanisms and institutional processes for the capture and management of productive sector resources for the financing of applied research.
- Participate in events and associations involving innovation, technology transfer and intellectual property that may be of interest to UPM.
Process Flow
Protecting an Intellectual Property at UPM involves the following steps:
- Fill in the Invention Communication Form at the innovation platform.
- CDI will prepare a Preliminary Evaluation Report of the application for IP protection.
- An analysis of the request and preliminary report will be made based on technical (legal), commercial and strategic criteria of UPM (Rectory + UA + CDI + MSol).
- If the request is granted, it will be forwarded to the partner office to prepare the request.
- If the request is rejected, the applicant may change the request and re-enter the request accompanied by a justification for the resubmission.
- Once the application for IP registration has been submitted, the entire process will be monitored by CDI, together with AJUn and the partner office.
IP Policies
The principles, policies, competencies and operational guidelines regarding Intellectual Property (IP) and Technology Transfer (TT) issues of the UPM are defined in RE-CONSU-20/2014 (General Policies, Regulations and Procedures of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer from the Mackenzie Presbyterian University). All IP issues involved in UPM's research, development and innovation processes will follow the provisions of this resolution. Click here to download the document.
Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
The Mackenzie business incubator is an environment that encourages and supports the development of new innovative companies - services, technology-base or light manufacturing - offering technical support, management and complementary training to the entrepreneur.
The Mackenzie incubator has a physical space - 11 (eleven) modules from 14 to 18 m2 and offers a series of services, such as: management training courses, advisory services, consultancy, orientation in the elaboration of projects for funding institutions, administrative services, access information and support for participation in fairs and events. The maximum incubation period is 36 months. To apply for a position in the incubator, the entrepreneur must present a Pitch.
The main objective of the Mackenzie Incubator is to promote entrepreneurship by supporting and fostering innovative projects, helping to leverage and increase the competitiveness of incubated micro and small enterprises, as well as providing them with autonomous development capacity so that they can continue to grow and developing after graduation.
The incubator also has, as secondary objectives:
To provide incubated companies with:
- Management training and support in the development of planning activities, market research and business operation;
- Access to technology, research laboratories and technology partners;
- Access to suppliers, distribution channels, potential customers and increase of new business network;
- Strengthening of the associative spirit.
- To provide Mackenzie University with:
- Encouraging the development of applied research;
- Effective teaching-research-extension integration;
- Cooperation and integration between teachers and students, between the Academic Units;
- University-Company approach, particularly with innovative and technology-based companies;
- Image enhancement and corporate reputation.
What do We Offer?
- A module with an area of 10sqm to 18sqm, depending on the size of the project;
- Shared use of support infrastructure, such as reception, secretarial and meeting room, as well as security and cleaning services;
- Shared use of computer resources, telecommunications, broadband internet, security and web server;
- Access to resources available at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, such as libraries, software and databases;
- Courses, lectures, forums and workshops on technology and management;
- Consultancy specialized in management - marketing, finance, strategy, processes;
- Support in the identification of researchers and technologies that can collaborate in the technological improvement of products and services;
- Ease of access to products and services offered by our stakeholders;
- Guidance in the protection and commercialization of intellectual property;
- Guidance for fundraising with government agencies and private funds.
The Development and Innovation Coordination is responsible for two annual events: the Entrepreneurship Competition and the MACKINOVA Week.
Entrepreneurship Competition
The Mackenzie Entrepreneurship Competition allows the participation of undergraduate and graduate students of UPM in order to reward them with vacancies at the university business incubation. Teams of up to 5 members may be invited to submit an innovative product or service design. Teams may be composed of students from different courses and faculties. Teams should have a minimum dedication of 20 hours per week for the project activities. The number of vacancies to be granted will depend on the availability of the incubators of the various UPM campuses. The Entrepreneurship Competition is regulated by a specific call for proposals (CFP) issued annually.
The MACKINOVA Week is the Mackenzie Ideas and Innovations Show, a technical and cultural activity under the responsibility of CDI, which aims to publicly display innovative projects and ideas of original, creative and sustainable content that demonstrate entrepreneurship and social responsibility, as well as lectures and debates with themes in entrepreneurship and innovation. The purpose of MACKINOVA is to disseminate the entrepreneurial culture of innovative projects and ideas, with the objective of exposing projects of this nature. MACKINOVA is regulated by a specific call for proposals (CFP) issued annually