The Office of the Continuing Education Courses Coordination is the executive office subordinated to the Provost of Extension and Continuing Education (PREC) that is responsible for establish guidelines and procedures to be followed by Mackenzie Presbyterian University´s Colleges for continuing Education at extension level (short course) and specialization (lato sensu).
Mackenzie Presbyterian University (MPU) specialization (lato sensu) courses offer to graduates from all areas the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and to develop specific skills from a faculty composed of experts with labor market experience.
The specialization courses are offered twice a year and are aligned with the current demands of the job market, being constantly updated. Besides theses traditional options, tailor-made courses are also available for companies.
Students enrolled in specialization courses may apply to short-term international modules as complementary activities. These international modules are possible due agreements and partnerships with foreign universities and must comply with the interest of the students of the Specialization Courses.
Short duration curses
In order to meet the specific demands of the job market, short courses are offered in several areas: business management, education, engineering, technology, law, gastronomy, psychology, architecture and communication.
The University also promotes short-term courses during holidays, in English and Spanish, allowing the participation of international students.

Prof. Lourenço de Miranda Freire Neto