The Research Coordination (“Coordenadoria de Pesquisa” – COPq) is an academic and administrative unit that answers to the Research and Graduate Studies Pro-Rectory (“Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação” – PRPG), a part of Mackenzie Presbyterian University’s Innovation Ecosystem, and oriented towards the development of a culture of basic, application-oriented and applied research, according to the OECD* classification.
The COPq’s main purpose is to strategically position UPM as a producer of excellent knowledge for a sustainable life, capable of generating social impact by means of the socialization of the science produced with the various shares of the productive sector and society at large. Its specific objectives include developing research skills and capabilities in strategic domains of knowledge.
Project-Management Support
This activity is undertaken by the Project-Management Support Center (“Núcleo de Apoio à Gestão de Projetos” - NAP), which is accredited by the São Paulo State Research Support Federation – FAPESP, and is intended to support researchers develop, submit and execute research projects capable of earning support from governmental and private institutions as well as from Mackpesquisa;
Research Excellence and Social Impact Monitoring
Est The activity’s purpose is to track the excellence of UPM research groups, of their scientific production and of their impact on society;
Scientific and Technological Initiation (“Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica” - IC&T)
IC&T’s Scientific Initiation and Technological Initiation Programs enable undergraduate students to enter the world of Scientific and Technological Development by means of research projects under the tutelage of a researcher, thereby supplementing their academic training;
Research Integrity and Ethics (“Integridade e Ética em Pesquisa” – IEP)
IEP’s purpose is to foster best research practices at UPM, including ethical human or animal studies procedures, as well as respect for researchers and the ideas they generate. Best practices include the authenticity of the ideas raised and of participation in scientific production.
* OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Edifício João Calvino (Prédio 41) - Sala 700