The general agreements of Dual Degree for Doctoral Programs are formalized from agreements with previously established rules, so that the students of the Doctoral Program of the MPU and of the Program of the Partner University  can carry out part of their research or other academic activities in a joint Supervision regimen . If they fulfill all the requirements previously established in the agreement, the doctoral student will receive the title of the two Programs. The period of academic mobility in general is one year.

To participate the doctoral student must get consent of his supervisor and a co-supervisor identified in the partner university. The negotiation in general is made between the supervisor of the University and the student from MPU. To formalize the participation, the Program Coordination at MPU must send to the International Officer, (, the form for the participation in the PROGRAM (see below), the project to be carried out by the international doctoral at MPU and Copy of the documents indicated in the agreement or requested by the MPU.

MPU Program

Partner Institution


Degree offered at the Partner Institution


Application Form

Disturbios do Desenvolvimento

Universidade do Minho


Doutor em Psicologia Aplicada

Clique aqui

 Clique aqui

Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda



Mestre em Sistemas Integrados De Gestão

 Clique aqui

Clique aqui


Universidade da Beira Interior


Doutor em Gestão

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Clique aqui

Controladoria Empresarial

Instituto Politécnico da Guarda



Mestre em Gestão

Clique Aqui

Clique Aqui

Architecture and UrbanismLeibniz Universität HannoverGermanyDoctor of Architecture and UrbanismClique Aqui Clique aqui

*All MPU Programs

Universidad de Salamanca


Clique Aqui

