Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti Alvim
Academic Directo - Fac. Arch. and Urban.

Diana L. P. de Barros
Full Professor - Communication and Letters Center

Marcos Massi
Academic Director - Engineering School - Mackenzie

Carlos Guillermo Giménez de Castro
Adjunct Professor III - Eng. School

Paulo Sérgio Boggio
Adjunct Professor I - C. Biological and Health Sciences

Christiano José Santiago de Matos
Coord. Postgrad. Mat. Eng. Nanotec.

Diogo Rais Rodrigues Moreira
Assistant Professor DR I - Law School

Darcy Mitiko Mori Hanashiro
Full Professor Social and Applied S. C.


Lotfi Merabet
Associate Professor (Ophthalmology) Employment -Harvard Medical School

Fernando José Silva e Nunes da Silva
Full Professor in Urban Planning and Transportation - Employment