The Computing and Informatics Department - FCI is home to the following programs: B.S. in Computer Science, B.S. in Information Systems, Associate in Analysis and Development of Systems (TADS), Associate in Digital Games, Bachelor in Mathematics Degree, forming highly qualified professionals, able to join an increasingly competitive labor market.
FCI was founded in 1970, named as Technology School at the time, due to the need to supply, in the short term, the various sectors of the labor market with qualified professionals in technologically advanced fields. In 1999, it was renamed to Computing and Informatics Department.
The infrastructure available for its current courses includes a specialized sector library, modern computer labs, and rooms equipped with computers and interactive whiteboards, all with the purpose of offering support to academic and research activities, associating high technical training with the humanistic vision of the profession.
All courses are concerned with scientific and technological development in a professional, ethical and socially responsible way. They foster the development of undergraduate research projects, with funding grants from development agencies such as Fapesp, CNPq and MackPesquisa.
In order to form better citizens and add professional technical value, students participate in various extension activities such as preparatory courses for certification, congresses, workshops, conferences, lectures, and social projects.
In 2011, Mackenzie Presbyterian University was considered one of the three best private universities in the country and the first one in the state in the Information Sciences category, according to Editora Abril's Student Guide.

Prof.ª Dr.ª Daniela Vieira Cunha
- +55 (11) 2114-8301
Rua da Consolação, 896 - Prédio 31