
Clínica do Casal e o Vínculo da Violência

15.09.202110h33 Coordenadoria de Cooperação Internacional e Interinstitucional (COI)

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Clínica do Casal e o Vínculo da Violência

Through this course, we will approach the object “couple” in a psychoanalytic perspective of the family. After presenting, with the help of clinical vignettes, the theoretical bases necessary for understanding the constitution of the couple, we will approach its pathological dimension with the clinic of conjugal violence. Thus, in the first part, we will explain how the love encounter is the starting point for the constitution of the "couple's psychic envelope", emphasizing the importance of the dynamics of the bonds necessary for the "couple" object. In this sense, we are going to define what forms the couple's bonds, their organizers and their psychic processes. Then we will come to the couple crisis and marital violence.

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