To be accepted for the Academic Masters Course applicants need to be holders of graduate degrees recognized by the MEC (bachelor or licentiate degree, but not short term or sequential courses) and successfully complete the selection process. The Academic Masters Degree requires a minimum total of 42 (forty-two) credit units in subjects and a mixture of optional and compulsory program activities, including:
I - twelve (12) credit units relating to compulsory subjects;
II - eight (08) credit units relating to optional or optional courses;
III - 10 (ten) credit units relating to mandatory program activities (MPA) to be completed before the submission of the dissertation;
IV - 12 (twelve) credit units related to research, development work, project qualification and public defense of the dissertation;
The specifics of the ten (10) credit units for the Mandatory Program Activities for the Masters are made up from the following:I - Worth two (02) credit units: Introduction to Bioethics Course, with a workload of 12 class hours;
II Worth two (02) credit units: obligatory attendance at two (2) qualification defenses and two (2) masters or doctoral defenses in the UPM, or in an external institution, with the necessary evidence;
III Six (06) remaining credit units from the following options:
a) Worth six (06) units of credit - Acceptance or publication of 1 (one) article in a journal with an impact factor or Qualis between A1 and B2;
b) Worth three (03) credit units - Acceptance or publication of 1 (one) article with Qualis B3 or lower;
c) Worth three (03) credit units – 1 (one) abstract published at a national or international scientific event;
Worth 3 (three) credit units – Evidence of regular participation in discussion forums, clinical meetings or short courses totalling at least 12 hours, offered by the Post-Graduate Program in Developmental Disorders or outside the university, provided attendance has been approved by the Supervisor and stamped by the PPG Coordinator; Maximum three (03) credit units.
All evidence must be produced in two copies (uncertified) together with the MPA submission form duly completed and signed by the supervisor and student, also in duplicate, at least 15 days before the date of submission of the thesis.
The Doctoral course, for holders of Masters degrees recognized by CAPES or validated by the Brazilian government, will require a minimum total of 62 (sixty-two) credit units, comprising:
I - 08 (eight) credit units relating to compulsory subjects;
II - eight (08) credit units relating to optional or elective courses;
III - 18 (eighteen) credit units related to mandatory program activities (MPA);
IV - 28 (twenty eight) credit units corresponding to the research, development work, project qualification and public defense of the thesis;
The specifics of the eighteen (18) credit units for the Mandatory Program Activities for the Doctorate are made up from the following:I Worth two (02) credit units: Introduction to Bioethics Course, with a workload of 12 class hours. For students who have taken a course in Bioethics in another program, or as part of the Masters, the credits can be transfered;
II Worth ten (10) credit units - intellectual production from following options:
a) Acceptance or publication of one (1) article in a journal with Qualis A1 to B1 or with an impact factor, or authored/co-authored/organized a book recognized by an editorial board, worth six (06) credit units;
b) Acceptance or publication of one (1) article in a journal Qualis B2 or book chapter recognized by an editorial board, worth four (04) credit units;
c) Acceptance or publication of one (1) article in a journal Qualis B3, worth two (02) credit units.
III Worth six (06) credit units - other academic activities from the following options:
a) Worth two (02) credit units: attending two (2) qualifying presentations and two (2) masters or doctoral defense presentations at UPM or in a foreign institution (with the necessary evidence);
b) Worth two (02) credit units - One (1) abstract published as part of the proceedings of a national or international scientific event;
c) Worth two (02) credit units – Acceptance or publication of 1 (one) article Qualis B4 or less, book chapters and/or authored/co-authored/organization of a book;
d) Worth two (02) credit units - regular participation (with evidence) in discussion forums, clinical meetings or short courses of at least 12 hours, offered by the Post-Graduate Program in Developmental Disorders or outside the university, if approved by the Supervisor and stamped by the PPG Coordinator; It is recognized at most two (02) units of credit.
e) Worth two (02) credit units - obtain a prize for best work at a national or international conference.
Sole Paragraph: In regard to item "a" of paragraph 2, the student can gain up to sixteen (16) credit units from more than one publication.
All evidence must be submitted in two copies (single copy) together with the PDB Delivery Form duly completed and signed by the supervisor and student also in duplicate, at least 15 days before the date of the thesis deposit.
Mandatory Courses: Monday and Tuesday morning and afternoon
Optional subjects: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, afternoon and evening