The Master course lasts 24 months, divided into four semesters, with a total of 42 seminars credit units. The graduate student must attend the first year of the course six (6) subjects, three compulsory subjects, compulsory elective and two electives in addition to the Scheduled Activity Required. The 3rd and 4th semesters, the student must devote to his research and preparation of the dissertation. By the end of the 3rd semester the student must submit the Qualification Exam Project. The Master's Dissertation shall be deposited by the end of the 4th semester, on terms determined by regulation of the course.
The activities considered valid to confer eight (08) credit units relating to Scheduled Activity Mandatory embodied in bibliographic production, technical and artistic, related to individual research and linked to the concentration area. It is expected, with credits in publications and participation in events, take the student to work at scientific meetings and to acquire the habit of scientific debate and the publication, essential for the formation of research and teaching in higher education.
The Planned Activity of research and publication, which should be completed before the filing of the dissertation.
The Doctoral degree lasts 42 months, divided into seven semesters. Doctoral students make up a total of 62 seminars credits, must attend the first year of the current five (5) subjects enrolled in a compulsory subject, compulsory optional and three electives in addition to the Scheduled Activity Required. Mandatory and optional courses must be processed through the 1st and 2nd semesters. The filing of the Qualifying Project must take place by the 28th month of the course and the deposit of the Doctoral Thesis by the end of the 42nd month of the course, according to terms specified in the Program Rules.
The activities considered valid to check eighteen (18) credit units relating to Scheduled Activity Mandatory embodied in bibliographic production, technical and artistic, related to individual research and linked to the concentration area. It is expected, with credits in publications and participation in events, take the student to work at scientific meetings and to acquire the habit of scientific debate and the publication, essential for the formation of research and teaching in higher education.
The Planned Activity of research and publication, which should be completed before the thesis deposit.
- Artificial Intelligence: between citizenship and the market
- Anticorruption Compliance Public Policies
- Anticorruption Compliance Policies
- Administrative Reform and Public Governance
- Brazilian Industrial Thinking
- Criminal Compliance and Economic Penal Law
- Competition Policy and Development
- Economic Constitutional Law
- Fiscal federalism and financing of social rights
- Globalization, Economy and Socio-environmental Righ
- Introduction to Feminist Theory of State and Law
- Ibero-American Constitutionalism - 21st century
- Interactive and Learner-Centered Methodology for University Teaching
- Introduction to Sustainable Development Theory
- Law and Economics, Technology and Crime
- Legal Theory: Transnational Economic Networks and the Processes of Inclusion and Exclusion of Citizenship
- Methodological innovations in law research
- Parliamentary and Electoral Law
- Public Policies, science and limits to economic power: marine resources management strategies
- Political and Economic Law
- Political Democracy and Other Democracies
- Rights, Development and Sustainability
- Work: Production and Care
- Artificial Intelligence between citizenship and the market
- Anticorruption Compliance Public Policies
- Anticorruption Compliance Policies
- Administrative Reform and Public Governance
- Brazilian Industrial Thinking
- Competition Policy and Development
- Democracy and Its Challenges in the 21st Century
- Feminisms, State and Law
- General Theory of Law
- Globalization, Socioenvironmentalism and Governance
- Ibero-American Constitutionalism - 21st century
- Interactive and Learner-Centered Methodology for University Teaching
- Legal Theory of The Market
- Law and Economics, Technology and Crime
- Law, science and politics: the sustainable management of marine resources
- Legal Foundations of Citizenship and the Brazilian State
- Methodological innovations in law research
- O Impacto do Contra-Poder Jurisdicional
- Political and Economic Law
- Political Democracy and Other Democracies
- Public Policies, science and limits to economic power: marine resources management strategies
- Social rights'effectiveness
- Urban space, law and sustainable development
- Work: Production and Care
The subjects are taught in the morning and evening periods.
Compulsory subjects: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th fairs in the morning and in the 2nd and 3rd Monday at night.
Disciplines optional: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th fairs in the morning, 2nd fairs at afternoon and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th fairs at night.
Orientation: the guidelines are held weekly on schedule set by the supervisor.