Conference on the classics of political philosophy at the Instituto do Legislativo Paulista - ILP

02.10.202013h00 Comunicação - Marketing Mackenzie

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Conference on the classics of political philosophy at the Instituto do Legislativo Paulista - ILP

On the last 10/1/2020 (yesterday), the operations officer at the Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom, Allan Augusto Gallo Antonio, delivered a lecture on F. Hayek's Liberal tradition, during the Conferene on elections and classics of philosophy politics, promoted by the Institute of Studies, Training and Public Policies of the Legislative Power (Instituto do Legislativo Paulista - ILP).

The lecture was greatly appreciated and aimed at addressing the different political traditions. In the case of the Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom, it was invited as a representative of the classical liberal tradition. It was up to the representative of the Center to briefly explain the personal and thought history of F. A. Hayek as a liberal thinker.

The event was held in partnership with the School of Management and Accounts of the Court of Accounts of the Municipality of São Paulo, the School of Magistrates of Federal Justice of the Third Region, the School of Parliament of the Municipality of São Paulo and the School of Law of the Brazilian Bar Association.

The full lesson can be watched here: