THE PRIZE HAS RISEN! Contest articles: "How to privatize the Post Office?"

In the free market it is like this: greater demand for quality labor leads to increases in remuneration. So the prize has increased! Now it will be R$ 6,000 for first place. And R$ 3,000 for the second. And R$ 2,000 for the third. With the support of the Mises Brazil Institute, the Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom and the Liberal Institute of São Paulo, Rede Liberdade is organizing the Contest of Articles with the theme "How to Privatize the Post?" Check out the rules below: 1. General considerations This competition is organized by Rede Liberdade with the support of the Mises Brazil Institute and the Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom and the Liberal Institute of São Paulo, with the objective of stimulating intellectual production and recognizing researches that present theoretical foundations and propose solutions for the central theme of the contest. You can apply for the contest over the age of 18, regardless of your level of academic and professional training. The signed articles will be the sole responsibility of their authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Contest Organizing Institutions. The act of inscription of the article in this contest represents the agreement of the author with the unlimited publication of the work by the Organizing Institutions, dispensing, without delay, any remuneration by means of copyright. Depending on the quality and adequacy of the article, it may compose a Special Issue composed by a selection of articles of this contest in the academic journal of the Mises Institute - MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics (e-ISSN 2594-9187 ). It is prohibited to register articles authored by employees and collaborators of the Organizing Institutions, as well as persons with family ties with members of the Judging Commission. 2. Deadlines Articles should be sent to in electronic format (in .doc or .docx file) using the rules described in topics 3, 4 and 5 of this announcement. The article must be sent by April 27, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. After this deadline, the platform will not accept any new submissions, nor will it issue or exchange the submitted material. The result of this Contest will be announced until May 08 and the awards will take place on May 8 during the XVII WEEK OF THE CENTER OF SOCIAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES OF THE PRESBITERIAN MACKENZIE UNIVERSITY, Higienópolis campus. 3. Theme The theme of the Contest is "How to Privatize the Post Office?". The authors should approach the proposed theme by focusing on the applicability of solutions to the sector in the light of theories of liberal, libertarian, and similar thinkers, and the models and experiences adopted in other countries. 4. About Articles Articles can not escape the proposed theme, being subject to disqualification. Only unpublished articles by the participant, not published in printed or electronic media, such as blogs, newspapers, academic or specialized journals, periodicals of great circulation, or not yet published by the press or pending publication, may be sent. Items that do not meet this requirement will be disqualified. All articles sent to the contest will go through plagiarism detector system. To avoid plagiarism, we suggest that the authors follow the following recommendations: Paraphrase: put the idea in your own words. Make sure you do not literally copy more than two words in a line of text. If you use larger sections you must enclose them in quotation marks. Quote: Not citing correctly can constitute plagiarism. When citing a source, use the phrase exactly as it appears in the original quoted text. Quotations in block, that is, quotations of 40 words or more, should have a reduction in the size of the font box and a 1 cm indentation, without the use of quotation marks. Self-citation: if authors use their own ideas, but have already published previously, they should self-cite. Using material already published without properly referencing it is called autoplagio. Footnotes should: (1) be used to supplement some information, in a concise manner; (2) Carry out the citations. In the case of book citations, follow the following template: MISES, Ludwig von. Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Trad. Donald Stewart Jr. São Paulo: Ludwig von Mises Institute Brazil, 3rd Ed., 2010. p. 101. In the case of articles in academic journals, follow the following model: MISES, Ludwig von. Some Observations on Praxeology. Trad. Márcia Xavier de Brito. MISES: Interdisciplinary Review of Philosophy, Law and Economics, Vol. I, No. 1 (Jan.-Jun 2013): 21-26. Cit. P. 23. The citation of article and / or article of magazine or bulletin in electronic means, follow the following example: MISES, Ludwig von. The Austrian Theory of Economic Cycles. Trad. Erick Vasconcelos. Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute Brazil on August 27, 2008. Available at: <>. Accessed on: March 23, 2018. Length: Each text should be between 10-15 pages, A4 size; Summary and keywords will not be part of the text of the article, but will be required during the completion of the submission form of the online platform; Language: Only articles will be accepted in the Portuguese language; Structure: Font "Arial", size 12 and line spacing 1,5 cm, justified, should be used for the main body of the text; For expressions in other languages, you must use italic. It is not necessary to include a bibliography at the end of the text. Footnotes should include complete citation. Contributions received that do not follow the guidelines above (mainly considering the number of pages) will be immediately rejected by the Evaluation Council. Registration of an article with more than one author will not be accepted. There can be no information in the text that identifies the author. 5. Evaluation criteria All papers received will be evaluated by the double blind review method according to the following criteria: Potential of convincing the general public about the argument defended; Linking the article to the topic; Logical and well-structured article development; Adequacy, density and updating of the references used in the article; Conclusion that responds adequately to the problem of the text; Citations from sources made. Domain of the vernacular; There will be no review of the work under any pretext; and the final result of the contest will not be subject to appeal. In no case will be validated a tie between the entries. 6. Awards The best articles will be awarded as follows: 1st place - R $ 5,000.00 (Five thousand reais); 2nd place - R $ 3,000.00 (Three thousand reais); 3rd place - R $ 2,000.00 (Two thousand reais). The Organization will not be responsible for the costs of travel and accommodation of the authors for their participation in the awards event. 7. Final considerations The Organizing Institutions of this contest reserve the right to change the terms of this announcement as necessary and without prior notice. For article submission:

15.03.201814h41 Comunicação - Marketing Mackenzie

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THE PRIZE HAS RISEN! Contest articles: "How to privatize the Post Office?"