The course is based on generalist training which guides the structure of its curriculum, building knowledge that allows the study of psychological phenomenon from different theoretical perspectives and interweaving its guiding principles in the relation between teaching, research and extension. Psychology is an important area for research and reflection on intersubjective constitution, and the development of an integrated vision of the human being in their socioeconomic context, at all levels of prevention and promotion in individual and public health. The course provides the theoretical and practical training necessary to allow Psychologists and teachers of Psychology to carry out their legal responsibilities in relation to the analysis of individuals and/or collective psychological processes, from different theoretical perspectives, and different areas of knowledge. Students will develop the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary for the preparation of projects, intervention proposals, reports and assessments. The course also provides the essential training to conduct clinical evaluations and interventions with individuals or in group work, whether in institutions or organizations, and in inter- and multidisciplinary teams.
Job Market
Psychologists are faced with good prospects and wide range of employment opportunities due to the social change currently taking place; In addition to traditional roles, psychologists are employed in a broad range of activities related to promotion and prevention in individual and collective health, working alongside multidisciplinary teams in the areas of health, clinical practice, education, law, human rights, work, sports and mental health.
Awards & Reviews