Graduated in economics from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Master in Economics, and Ph.D. in Social Sciences (Concentration Area: Politics) from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Professor of undergraduate courses in Economic Sciences and Stricto Sensu Graduate Studies in Economics and Markets at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and undergraduate courses at the National Insurance School (ENS/FUNENSEG). He also serves as Academic Editor of Revista de Economia Mackenzie (REM) and has professional experience in consulting in the areas of diagnosis and assessment of socioeconomic and sectoral impacts.
Lawyer, Doctor of Law in International Economic Relations, Master of Law (concentration area in International Law), Specialist in Public Law. He teaches undergraduate, specialization and Professional Masters in Economics and Markets (MPECON-Mackenzie). Has experience in Business, Civil, Economic and International Law. Postdoctoral student in Political Economy - PUC / SP. Visiting Professor at FIA / USP for MBA courses. Effective Member of the Commission for Studies on Competition and Economic Regulation OAB / SP - Triennium 2019/2021.
Economist, social scientist, master and doctor in History (concentration area: Brazil's foreign relations) from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He is currently undergraduate and graduate professor at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Professional experience in advising on international economic relations analysis and consulting for development projects with international cooperation.
He has a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1997), a master's degree in Political Science from the State University of Campinas (2005), and a doctorate in Political Science from the State University of Campinas (2011). He is currently a professor (undergraduate and professional master in economics) at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation School of Economics in São Paulo. He has experience in Political Science and International Relations with emphasis on the following subjects: Public Policy: formulation, implementation, and evaluation; Educational policies; International public policies; Paradiplomacy and international insertion of subnational units and Global Governance. He has worked as a consultant to the World Bank for Education Policy Assessment and has served as a cabinet advisor to the São Paulo State Secretariat of Education.
Economist, Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Master in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and Bachelor of Economics from the Presbyterian University Mackenzie. Have experience in Macroeconomics, History of Economic Thought and International Political Economy. Professor of undergraduate courses in Economics and graduate program in Economics at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Research areas: economic freedom; public choice.
Economist from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2000), Master in Economics from PUC / SP (2003) and Ph.D. in Latin American Integration from University of São Paulo (2008). Coordinator of the Professional Master in Economics and Markets at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Professional experience in economic consulting for investment decisions and elaboration of macroeconomic scenarios.
Bachelor in Economics from the University of Sao Paulo (1996). Master in Economics at the Institute of Economic Research (IPE) from the University of São Paulo (1996). PhD in Economics and Philosohy at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam (2006). It is currently a full time researcher and Adjunct Professor at the Mackenzie Presbiterian University (2004). She teaches bachelor as well as graduate students of economics at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Her current research interests refer to theoretical as well as empirical studies of Behavioral Economics and New Institutional Economics. She has some publications in indexed journals, such as Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Estudos Economicos, Journal of Economic Psycholog, among others.
Received in 1991 the B.A. degree in Economics from Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile (UGM); M.A. degree also in Economics from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile (PUC-Chile) in 1994 and Ph.D. in Economic Theory from Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) in 2006. From 2009 to 2015, he was post-doc and visiting scholar at the History Department at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), involved in projects of advanced cliometric studies. Since 2016, he is professor of Economics of Graduate Studies and Economics and Markets Professional Master´s at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and also researcher at Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom. His main interests are Macroeconomics, Business Cycle Theories, Econometrics and Economic Freedom.
Vladimir Maciel is professor in the School of Social and Applied Sciences at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in São Paulo, where he teaches in the Economics Department for undergraduate courses. He is thehead of Mackenzie Center for Economic Freedom, where he is also researcher and professor for the graduate course in Economics and Markets. Vladimir is economist from the University of São Paulo (USP) and he holds Master Degree in Business Economics and Ph.D in Public Administration and Government - both from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) – with Partial Doctoral Fellowship in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP). He has been Research Assistant at MIT-Portugal Programfor Intelligent Transport Systems (SOTUR: Transportation, Land Use and Urban Revitalization). His researchinterests include economic freedom and related issues, urban and regional economics focused on public policies at the subnational level with emphasis on transport and land policies and their interaction with real estate markets, costs and quality of life. He was Commercial and Financial Superintendent of the Metropolitan Housing Company of São Paulo (2002-2004), General Manager of the Sustainable Development Plan of the State of Piaui (2013-2014) and General Manager of the Regional Sustainable Development Plan ofthe North-South Railway for the State of Tocantins (2016-2017).