Laboratório de Neurociência Cognitiva e Social


Programa de Internacionalização CAPES - PrInt

O projeto institucional Capes/PrInt visa desenvolver e implementar a internacionalização das áreas acadêmicas específicas escolhidas pelas instituições, em um esforço para promover o desenvolvimento de redes internacionais de pesquisa. Com isso em mente, a Capes pretende reforçar as redes de apoio à internacionalização nos programas de pós-graduação. Isso, consequentemente, levará à melhoria da qualidade da produção acadêmica neste campo da educação. O programa também inclui a mobilidade de professores e alunos para promover um ambiente internacional nas instituições participantes. Dentre os diferentes temas e pesquisas que compõem o projeto institucional Capes/PrInt conduzido pela UPM, encontra-se o projeto Teoria e aplicações da Neurociência Social e Afetiva para a interação humana do dia-a-dia.

Diante do avanço técnico-científico em ciências como a Psicologia, Antropologia, Sociologia, Biologia, Computação, Física, Medicina, entre outras, as Neurociências têm se transformado em um grande hub de integração dessas ciências disciplinares possibilitando um ambiente propício para a compreensão de fenômenos complexos de maneira interdisciplinar. Um dos efeitos dessa integração é o surgimento recente de áreas como a chamada Neurociência Social e Afetiva. Os estudos e descobertas desta área estão voltados desde os processos fisiológicos subjacentes às emoções até os mecanismos cerebrais que possibilitam a capacidade que nossa espécie tem de reconhecer e responder de forma adequada às emoções alheias. Também importante, estudos sobre moral, ética e outros aspectos caros à filosofia, por exemplo, passaram a fazer parte da agenda de pesquisa das Neurociências.

Neste projeto, criamos uma rede internacional para colaboração em pesquisa composta por grandes nomes da Ciência internacional nessa temática. Ao longo de quatro anos, diversas oportunidades serão oferecidas como bolsas doutorado sanduiche no exterior, pós-doutorado e jovem pesquisador. Acompanhe a abertura dos Editais seguindo nosso site, facebook e Twitter.

Post-doctoral fellowship in Social and Affective Neuroscience

Application period: February 1st - April 15th 2020

Start date: Between June - September 2020

Duration: 24 months

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellowship in Social and Affective Neuroscience. This is a CAPES-PrInt Fellowship within the scope of the project Theory and applications of Social and Affective Neuroscience to human everyday interaction. We aim to address fundamental questions regarding the universality of morality and affective processes and their implications on well-being and social networks across traditionally-studied WEIRD (i.e., wealthy, educated, industrial, rich, democratic) adult participants and less well-studied non-WEIRD participants (i.e., non-westernized indigenous tribes in remote regions from the Amazon and Alagoas regions in Brazil). This project funded by CAPES  - PrInt is putting together an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars with expertise in social neuroscience, affective science, and well-being. The selected candidate will work with Prof. Paulo Boggio in the Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. Candidates should preferably have obtained their doctorate in Psychology, Neuroscience or related areas. We are looking for candidates with experience in EEG and/or fNIR as well as programming skills in R, Matlab, Python, among others. Our laboratory has as one of its main characteristics the valorization of teamwork and cooperation among its members; in this project this will be even more important as it is an interdisciplinary project that involves several members of the laboratory as well as from other research centers. Thus, candidates with social skills and ease of working in groups and in collaborative networks are also expected. The selected candidate will also have the opportunity to supervise students who will assist in the research. Both oral and written proficiency in English are required. 

For more information:


Young Talent Research fellowship in Social and Affective Neuroscience

Application period: February 1st - April 15th 2020

Start date: Between June - September 2020

Duration: 18 months

Applications are invited for a Young Talent Research fellowship in Social and Affective Neuroscience. This is a CAPES-PrInt Fellowship within the scope of the project Theory and applications of Social and Affective Neuroscience to human everyday interaction. We aim to address fundamental questions regarding the universality of morality and affective processes and their implications on well-being and social networks across traditionally-studied WEIRD (i.e., wealthy, educated, industrial, rich, democratic) adult participants and less well-studied non-WEIRD participants (i.e., non-westernized indigenous tribes in remote regions from the Amazon and Alagoas regions in Brazil). This project funded by CAPES  - PrInt is putting together an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars with expertise in social neuroscience, affective science, and well-being. The selected candidate will work with Prof. Paulo Boggio in the Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab. Candidates should preferably have obtained their doctorate in Psychology, Neuroscience or related areas. To be classified in the category of talented young researcher, candidates should i. demonstrate academic and scientific experience, ii. have high-impact intellectual and technological productions related to social and affective neuroscience, iii. have presented works in scientific meetings as guest speaker or lecturer at first-line conference in the area of competence. Additionally, we are looking for candidates with experience in EEG and/or fNIR as well as programming skills in R, Matlab, Python, among others. Our laboratory has as one of its main characteristics the valorization of teamwork and cooperation among its members; in this project this will be even more important as it is an interdisciplinary project that involves several members of the laboratory as well as from other research centers. Thus, candidates with social skills and ease of working in groups and in collaborative networks are also expected. The selected candidate will also have the opportunity to supervise students who will assist in the research. Both oral and written proficiency in English are required. 

For more information: