Access Mode to restricted electronic books
At Mackenzie campi – without the need of password
Remote Access – For students login and password are the same as Moodle’s (the same of TIA),
For professor and employees the login is the functional complete DRT’s number with the digit + Internet password.
In case of doubt, get in contact the Library on the phone numbers (+5511) 2766-7366, 2114-8889, 2114-8386.
Information -
- BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL UNIVERSITÁRIA 3.0 -Pearson – it offers more than 5.930 titles and it is formed by Prentice Hall, Makron Books and Addison Wesley publishers and the partner publishers: Ibpex/Intersaberes, Manole, Contexto, Cia das Letras, Casa do Psicólogo, Rideel, Aleph, Papirus, Ática, Scipione, Educs, Jaypee Brothers, Callis, Lexikon, Grupo Editorial, Interciência, Autêntica, Vozes e Freitas Bastos. Utilizing any computer, tablet or smartphone, the user will be able to consult, make notes, select favorite books and print up to 50% of the book’s content with lower values than a photocopy. This value is passed on the authors, which guarantees the fulfillment of Copyright Law. For the acquisition of printed books, Mackenzie’s community has discounts up to 40%.
Access to users having visual impairment who need integration with the accessibility software such as JAWS and NVDA. Please contact the library by the e-mail or the phone number (+5511) 2114-8302.
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- EBSCO eBook Collection – It offers access to 34 electronic books within Technology and Material Engineering areas, from renowned publishers, such as, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, ASM International, Rapra Technology, Wiley, Springer, among others.
Click here to access.
[Translate to English:]
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, é composta por 750 títuloseditados no período de 1974 até 2012, com acréscimo de novos títulos a serem publicados entre 2013 e 2015, em Engenharia, Tecnologia e Ciências da Computação, com ênfase nas áreas de Elétrica e Eletrônica.
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Clique aqui para acessar.
- MACKPESQUISA/e-book – Publications stemming from investments carried by Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa.
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- MINHA BIBLIOTECA - BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL – it offers more than 8.969 titles and it is formed by the venture of the four main publishers of Brazil’s academic books: Grupo A, Atlas, Grupo GEN e Saraiva. These publishers have jointed to offer the Higher Education institutions a practical and innovative platform to access a technical and scientific quality content. Yet, it offers around 750 works from the invited publishers: Cengage, Cortez, Grupo Autêntica and Zahar. Each user has an individual account in the system, keeping their markings and notes. Having a link which highlights their direct citations and allows printing part of the content.
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- JSTOR e-Books - Offers access to 4 electronic books in the areas of Engineering, Metallurgy, Chemistry and Theology, by the editors Anthem Press, MCGill-Queen's University Press, Princeton University Press and University of Toronto Press.
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- CAPES Portal / E-books – Access to books signed by CAPES, available to Mackenzie’s academic community. Titles in Portuguese and English from publishers, such as, Elsevier, ACM, APA, ASTM, OECD, among other scientific publishers covering several knowledge areas. To visualize the electronic books signed by CAPES, you shall access Portal de Periódicos da CAPES.
Click here to access.
- ProQuest E-book Central – It offers access to 54 electronic books within Engineering, Technology, Science and Chemistry areas, from renowned publisher, such as: Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, Course Technology, CRC Press, among others.
Click here to access.
- BARTLEBY - Literature (fiction and non-fiction) books, poetries and reference books of free access. It includes the collection "The Harvard Classics”
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A is the second seal of UNESP Fundação Editora, whose central seal is EDITORA UNESP, existing since 1987, becoming an established brand with a catalog that characterizes it as an academic publisher. The publications of the seal in partnership with many faculties and Institutes from Faculdades e Institutos UNESP and, with the opening of this virtual site, it is inaugurated the PROPG-DIGITAL Collection, which pubishes books in first edition only in digital format with the possibility of free download.
Click here to access.
- DIRECTORY of OPEN ACCESS BOOKS (DOAB) – collection of electronic books (e-books) published under the open access model, with links for full texts of the publications in the publisher’s websites or repositories. It contains more than 1.250 academic books of more than 35 publishers.
Click here to access.
- SCIELO LIVROS – Collection of electronic books (e-books) in full text in Portuguese from Rede SciELO Livros. It aims publishing online national and thematic collections with the objective of maximizing the visibility, accessibility, research usage and impacts, essays and studies.
Click here to access.
- PROJECT GUTENBERG – collection of electronic books (e-books) in full text, based on documents produced by the Gutenberg Project. Founded by Michael Hart in 1971, having as an objective to distribute free editions of literature in electronic format.
Click here to access.
- UNIVERSIA LIVROS – it is an initiative of incentive for and popularization of Reading promoted by Rede Universia. The project aims popularizing the distributive of great classics of Brazilian and world literature, providing digital versions free download.
Click here to access.
- PORTAL DOMÍNIO PÚBLICO – launched in November 2004 (with an initial collection of 500 works), it proposed the sharing knowledge in an equitable manner, placing at the disposal of all users of computer world network – Internet – a virtual library which must be constituted as reference for professors, students, researchers and population, in general.
Click here to access.